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It is VERA Files’ policy to correct substantive errors in its reports. Corrections are inserted in the original text with an accompanying editor’s note. Contact us at for any concerns or suggestions. If you believe VERA Files is in violation of the IFCN Code of Principles and wish to contact IFCN directly, you can visit the page IFCN Code of Principles Complaints Policy

This entry is just to test the Corrections and/or updates to the fact check article. This entry is just to test the Corrections and/or updates to the fact check article.This entry is just to test the Corrections and/or updates to the fact check article.This entry is just to test the Corrections and/or updates to the fact check article.This entry is just to test the Corrections and/or updates to the fact check article.

VERA FILES FACT CHECK: Duterte takes back his call for the separation of Mindanao from PH

Just a test entry for corrections. The Aquino administration built about 160, 000 housing units to relocate victims of the 2013 Super Typhoon Yolanda.

FACT CHECK: Panelo inaccurately claims that 160,000 houses were built for Yolanda victims under Aquino admin

This article has been updated to correct the wording on the grounds for the disqualification of a candidate: “A person can be disqualified if one has been declared insane or incompetent by a competent authority, or has been sentenced by final judgment for subversion, insurrection, rebellion, or any offense with a penalty of more than 18 months [or] for a crime involving ‘moral turpitude.’”

VERA FILES FACT SHEET: Who among the 2022 hopefuls have spread misinformation?

This article was updated to include the comment of Comelec’s Administrative Services Department (dated Nov. 17).

VERA FILES FACT SHEET: The P536-M deal between F2 Logistics and Comelec
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