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About VERA Files

VERA Files is a nonstock, nonprofit independent media organization registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Company Registration No. CN200808072). Founded in March 2008, it is published by veteran Filipino journalists taking a deeper look into current Philippine issues. Vera is Latin for “true.” VERA Files was founded by journalists Ellen Tordesillas, Luz Rimban, Booma Cruz, Jennifer Santiago, Yvonne T. Chua and Chit Estella (who passed away in a road crash on May 13, 2011).

The Board of Trustees consists of:

Ellen Tordesillas


Joel Butuyan


Booma Cruz


Chi Liquicia

Rosal Revaldo

Tita C. Valderama

Celine Isabelle Samson

The organization’s chief purposes, as embodied in its articles of incorporation, are to:

Siliman University Fact Check Training

Engage in the research, writing, production and distribution of news and other media products and related services in multiple formats, including but not limited to print broadcast and online, to advance excellence in journalism; and

Antique National High School Fact Check Training

Provide a venue for the training of journalists, students and educators in the practice of excellent journalism.

The institution’s expertise lies in the production of research-intensive and in-depth reports in multiple formats, and the training and mentoring of journalists, students and civil society organizations, especially those whose opportunities for capacity building are scarce. Through its writing and other projects, VERA Files has built a network of contributors.

VERA Files relies on grants, the proceeds from the sale of its stories, and donations and contributions from its trustees and supporters to fund its operations. It screens donors, contributors and grantors carefully and does not accept funding that will compromise its independence and nonpartisanship.

In addition to its regular fare of in-depth reports and commentaries, VERA Files has over the years pursued several specialized reporting projects supported by grants. These looked into, among others, election-related violence; elections in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao; extrajudicial killings, torture and enforced disappearances; and trafficking in persons.

VERA Files also undertook the multiyear “Reporting on Persons with Disabilities” project supported by The Asia Foundation and the “Media Ownership Monitor: Who Owns the Media in the Philippines” by Reporters without Borders, the “Road Safety Journalism Fellowship Program” supported by the World Health Organization-Philippines and Bloomberg Philanthropies, “Earth Files” by Internews’ Earth Journalism Network, and Campaign against electronic cigarettes and vapes by The Union and Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Fact Check Training People with Visual Impairment

VERA Files has several fact-checking projects: “VERA Files Fact Check” by the National Endowment for Democracy, Check Global by Meedan, and a partnership agreement with Facebook.

It is VERA Files’ policy to correct substantive errors in its reports. Corrections are inserted in the original text with an accompanying editor’s note.

Fact Check Training with Center for Migrant Advocacy
Photo from Gerald Ford Ticke

VERA Files also gets support from Open Society Foundation for a variety of initiatives to stem disinformation.

VERA Files has an ongoing project with International Media Support that involves post-disaster monitoring and reporting to promote the role of media as watchdog.

Photo from Gerald Ford Ticke

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